What about …. Current challenges of coccidiosis in poultry and the options to control it in the UK?
Coccidiosis is a big challenge in the poultry industry. In our latest dossier, expert Tibor Cserep looks at the options to control it in the UK. Find out what role phytogenics can play….
What do discover in our Dossier #Whataboutgut?
Get the latest scientific insights about intestinal health in monogastric animals in our new Dossier:
- Stay informed about global trends in antibiotic-free production
- Learn more about quorum sensing Inhibition and pathogenicity
And much more…. Curious?
Coccidiosis as one of the biggest challenge in poultry
The UK poultry market has shown a steady increase in the last decade, particularly in the broiler and layer sector. In 2017 UK chick and poultry placings (millions) were as follows: commercial broilers 1,047, commercial layers 38, turkeys 15, and female broiler breeders 8 (AHDB, 2018).
#What about gut?
“Coccidiosis continues to be one of the most frequently reported poultry diseases and can be found everywhere both in backyard and commercial flocks.“
Did you know?
The annual cost of coccidiosis globally is estimated to be approximately $2.4–3.0 Billion.
Coccidiosis is a costly disease
In the absence of reliable data on prevalence of coccidiosis in the UK, we can only assume that its cost to the producers is substantial here too. This cost arises from the cost of drugs, vaccines and predisposition to clostridial and other bacterial infections leading to impaired growth rate, poor feed conversion or temporary reduction in egg production, and mortality.
You want to know more?
Anne Oberdorf
Anne has always been fascinated by the unknown, the diversity and beauty of nature. Her love for nature brought her to Delacon in 2018 after studying agricultural sciences, where she worked as Technical Communications Manager and later as Product Manager Aquaculture. Since February 2021, she has been taking a new, natural career path outside of Delacon.