Delacon in numbers

Did you know that we are using more than 100 ingredients in our 13 products? Not yet? Get more numeric insights about the pioneer and market leader in phytogenics.

sustainable annual growth
global distribution in more than
0 countries

R&D: Replacing belief with fundamental knowledge.

annual investment in R&D
using more than
phytogenic ingredients
more than
0 products

Extraordinary results can only be achieved by extraordinary people.

male / female
Multi-cultural team, coming from
0 nations
Christoph Hartinger

Christoph Hartinger

From driving instructor over journalist to public relations and communications specialist. Christoph is interested in the phenomena of communication from a professional, scientific and private perspective already for decades – his hardest project so far: Understanding the differences between male and female communication. Considering himself as a lifelong learner with many interests like music, sports and science. Since October 2020, he is following a new career path outside Delacon.

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